People of Guatire welcomes worker president Nicolás Maduro with love and joy

The people of Guatire welcomed with enthusiasm and joy the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, in a massive expression of love that was manifested in a warm welcome in Miranda state.

I love you, I have faith in you, I have faith in the people of Venezuela. We are going to build a future, we are going from recovery, to growth, to prosperity and I can only say Long live the people of Guatire, long live the homeland, long live Venezuela, my beloved homeland,” said the Revolutionary leader while addressing the population.

In his speech, the head of state highlighted the progress made in Miranda state, where the industrial sector reached a 60% of recovery. However, he emphasized the need to reach 100% to generate more jobs and strengthen key sectors such as the pharmaceutical, paper and textile industries.

Regarding the community circuit projects chosen during the Great Popular Consultation on April 21, the national leader assured that several of them are already finished, which will directly benefit local communities.

President Maduro also called for action from the people and urged the Chavista militancy to be prepared to achieve victory in the elections on July 28, 2024. Finally, he highlighted the importance of working together to overcome the economic war and recover the integral well-being of the nation.