Venezuela assumes resistance algorithm against social media bans

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, proposes, in the face of the “banning” of Social Network companies, to apply the Streets, Networks, Media, Walls and “Radio Bemba(word of mouth) system, this implies an algorithm of resistance, as highlighted the Sectoral Vice President for Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez, in a meeting held at the headquarters of the Francisco de Mirada Front, located in the Sucre parish, in Caracas:

We have to become the best militants of the social networks. so that it is impossible for them to erase our existence,” said Ñáñez. At the same time, he urged the Venezuelan people to assume a greater role in social networks in the face of the notable media censorship against the head of State and the actions of the Government by the imperial powers.

On the other hand, he pointed out that social networks “have the possibility of intervening remotely in democratic processes and that these are hegemonic because they end up conditioning all the media,” in reference to the narratives conceived by foreign powers, with the purpose of distort the public perception of President Maduro and facilitate possible subversive actions against him.

Ñáñez specifically mentioned the messaging service, WhatsApp, which is the largest of its kind in the entire world, as an essential application in the current media battle being waged on social networks.