President Maduro praised the resistance of Venezuelan women against imperial aggression

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, praised this Friday the courage of the Venezuelan woman who has taken a step forward to resist and defend the Homeland:

Who shouldered these years of resistance to the sanctions, the blockade and the economic war? Who took charge of the home and the community in 2017 with the guarimbas (riots)? Who took charge of the country in 2018 when they tried to kill me with drones? Who took the lead in the fight to defend Venezuela when imperialism appointed a fool and said he was president of Venezuela, this Guaidó, and we spent years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 and came out as winners? Who won that battle? Women did! And that is why what my commitment does is to grow,” said the Head of State.

The national leader confirmed that women were the backbone of the resistance in the toughest years that the country has experienced, said Maduro, highlighting that Venezuelan women are the heroines of the victories obtained.

When offering a balance of the vertices of the Great Mission Women Venezuela, specifically that aimed at health and life, the President explained that more than 5 million Venezuelan women have enrolled in this social program that aims at the comprehensive protection of women in the entire territory.

For her part, the first combatant and deputy to the National Assembly (AN), Cilia Flores, asserted that Venezuelan women “are protected by the Government, by the President, but they are also protectors of the President and the Bolivarian Revolution.”

We have to feel very proud because we had here in Venezuela the first feminist president, who was Commander Chávez, who loved women and defended us and now we have nothing more and nothing less than President Nicolás Maduro who is another feminist president, “I know how he goes out of his way for the benefit, the well-being of women and the family in general,” he said.

The Great Mission Women Venezuela was born with the premise of comprehensively protecting women at all stages of their lives.

Flores highlighted that the number of women who have enrolled in this social program is an example of women’s trust in the policies of the Venezuelan State and President Maduro:

With women at the forefront here, the Bolivarian Revolution will be here for now and forever,” stated the deputy.