Legislative Branch sanctions Organic Law for the Defense of Essequibo

The Legislative Branch, during the ordinary session this Thursday, sanctioned the Organic Law for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba, which aims to establish a set of mechanisms aimed at protecting the territory.

The regulations have the purpose of ratifying the validity of the 1966 Geneva Agreement and rejecting the Arbitration Award of 1899. Likewise, ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Venezuela.

The law contains 39 articles, five transitional provisions and two final provisions.

Among the most notable articles of the law, stands out the one referring to the founding of the State of Guayana Esequiba, through which the governor of the entity, the Municipal Council and an administrative fund would be appointed.

One of the transitional provisions establishes that while the internal situation of the entity is resolved, the Head of State will elect the governor, and the National Assembly will assume the legislative functions of the territory.

Another important aspect is that since the promulgation of the law, every political map of Venezuela is obliged to indicate the figure of the state of Guayana Esequiba. Also is highlighted the appointment of a High Commission of State of Guayana Esequiba, which will be directed by the vice presidency of the Republic.

As well as by the presidents of the National Assembly, the TSJ, the Republican Moral Council, and the ministers of People’s Power for Defense, Foreign Relations, Planning; the Attorney General of the Republic, the governors of Bolívar, Delta Amacuro, Guayana Esequiba states, and the People’s Power.