At the National Council for Productive Economy, from Miraflores Palace, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, announced: “We have to build a powerful National Tax System that captures the wealth that is being created and invests it in salaries, social security, housing, public health, in recreation and in all social rights, of a Venezuelan Social Welfare State”.
Likewise, the National Executive said that the construction of this Welfare State is contemplated within the 1999 Constitution. He pointed out that the way to create wealth is by fully complying with tax regulations: «With the collection of taxes, we will have the possibility of investing in the economy”.
«The most important thing will be in the microeconomic and macrosocial balances, to guarantee the right to food and to all the needs of the people”, said the President.
He also pointed out that just as the United States and Europe built powerful tax systems, here in Venezuela we must do the same to achieve the people’s well-being:
“#Live | This National Council of Economy is to define the path, to shape everything that can be shaped based on a healthy, productive, integrated economy, with a high scientific-technological component, of an economy that is not dependent on oil,» said @NicolasMaduro”
– Presidential Press (@PresidencialVen) August 23, 2022