Commandos of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) increase operations in the systematic search and destruction of the tracks of the Armed Terrorist Drug Traffickers of Colombia (TANCOL) built in the cross-border axis of Venezuela as a logistics platform to add it to drug trafficking.
“Flying low, planes from the North mock the sovereignty of our country, looking for decorated TANCOL packages! We will disable all the runways, facilities and planes of these narco invaders!”, confirmed this Monday, on Twitter, the operational strategic commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (CEOFANB), Domingo Hernández Lara.
GJ. Domingo Hernandez Larez
“Planes from the North mock the sovereignty of our homeland, looking for decorated TANCOL packages! We will disable all the runways, facilities and planes of these narco invaders!”
“All the echelons fight the drug traffickers fiercely, even if they are planes with the acronym N that illegally enter Venezuela from the north to take some packets called Made in Colombia cocaine surreptitiously introduced by the TANCOL to our territory”, he remarked.
GJ. Domingo Hernandez Larez
“All the echelons fight the drug traffickers fiercely, even if they are planes with the acronym N that enter Venezuela illegally from the north to take some packets called Made in Colombia cocaine surreptitiously introduced by the TANCOL to our territory”.
Likewise, he emphasized that the FANB will continue to destroy illegal runways «In our sovereign territory, as well as the logistical structures of the TANCOL infiltrated groups that intend to use our territory as a drug trafficking route”.
These actions of the FANB against the TANCOL are part of the Bolivarian Shield Operation 2022 Vuelvan Caras, deployed in the plains entity, for the expulsion of Colombian terrorists from the nation and thereby neutralize their terrorist actions.
In January 2022, the FANB began this operation with the aim of maintaining and protecting the peace of the nation. It emerged after the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, stated that 2022 should be declared the year 100% free of the TANCOL in the national territory.