Were sworn in the 21 members of the Judicial Nominations Committee of the AN

This Thursday were sworn in the 21 members of the 2022-2024 Judicial Nominations Committee of the National Assembly (AN), to choose the magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) and other high-ranking officials of the Judicial Power.

The swearing-in act was in charge of the president of the National Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, who urged the members of the committee to look at the names they consider can be nominated, the administration process and due process that all Venezuelans deserve.

The president of this instance will be deputy Giuseppe Alessandrello, and as vice president the opposition parliamentarian José Gregorio Correa, among nine other deputies, in addition to 10 citizens nominated by “civil society.”

In the plenary session held on February 1, a list of 86 people was approved to make up the committee, from which the remaining 10 were chosen. This Wednesday, they settled on a work table to establish the operating mechanisms.

Last Tuesday, January 25, was when the AN swore in the preliminary commission, and five days before, appointed the 11 deputies, after the reform of the Organic Law of the TSJ was approved, which reduces the number of magistrates to 20.