Chancellory rejects UN High Commissioner for Human Rights report on Venezuela

This Monday, the Chancellory of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela issued an official statement rejecting the “biased” report with “false content” issued by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on our country.

In the communiqué, it is specified that “the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in order to continue intensifying due cooperation with this office, ratifies its willingness to maintain channels of communication and dialogue with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, based on strict adherence to the principles of objectivity, non-selectivity, impartiality, non-politicization, respect for sovereignty and constructive dialogue without geopolitical agendas at the service of hegemonic powers contrary to International Law”.

Following, the full text of the Communiqué:

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in relation to the report published on the country’s situation by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on July 1, 2021, rejects the fallacious content and highlights the tendentious origin of the same.

This report is the result of a Resolution promoted by a tiny group of governments with serious internal situations of human rights violations, which conspired to satisfy the policy of “regime change” promoted by the United States of America against Venezuela.

Despite this, Venezuela stands out in its harmonious constitutional system in defense and guarantee of human rights that it has been the protective shield of its people against the barbarous criminal blockade imposed and directed from Washington, constituting a serious commission of crimes against humanity.

It is especially worrying that this report is based on information provided by individuals with unknown motivations and that has not been duly verified with the authorities of the State concerned, despite the extensive facilities that the Venezuelan Government has provided for the performance of its functions in the national territory.

On this occasion, based on a handful of alleged denounces of human rights violations, unverified accusations are made against the Venezuelan institutionality, instrumentalizing the falsehood constructed to artificially feed a file before the International Criminal Court, with the political objective of destabilizing the democratic institutions of the country.

In addition to this, the report omits to mention that in each of the 26 visits made to detention centers and headquarters of intelligence agencies, the Office of the High Commissioner has been able to interview hundreds of people deprived of liberty, according to its own performance guidelines. According to the conclusions delivered to the State, the people interviewed have confirmed full respect for their personal integrity in the establishments where they are being held.

Venezuela has requested the Office of the High Commissioner to share with the national authorities information on the alleged cases referred to in the report, in order to carry out rigorous investigations and determine their veracity and, if applicable, the corresponding responsibilities, in fully consistent with its policy of absolute respect for human rights. Similarly, the Office of the High Commissioner has been invited to accompany the investigation processes developed by the competent authorities.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in order to continue intensifying due cooperation with this office, ratifies its willingness to maintain channels of communication and dialogue with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the basis of strict adherence to the principles of objectivity, non-selectivity, impartiality, non-politicization, respect for sovereignty and constructive dialogue without geopolitical agendas at the service of hegemonic powers contrary to International Law”.

Caracas, July 5, 2021