CNE approves Special Norms of the electoral system for the 2021 Regional and Municipal Elections

In a permanent session of the National Electoral Council on May 20, 2021, were unanimously approved the Special Norms Referring to the Electoral System for the Regional and Municipal Elections on November 21, 2021.

In this regard, the president of the CNE, Pedro Calzadilla, pointed out that the regulations establish that 60% of the legislators of the State Legislative Councils and the councilor men and women of the Municipal Councils will be elected by proportional representation, and the other 40 % by nominal representation. This in compliance with Sentence No. 68 of June 5, 2020, issued by the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

Likewise, the special session for the registration and updating of data in the Electoral Registry was approved. Calzadilla reported that 1,000 points will be enabled throughout the country, from June 1 to July 15.

The electoral authorities also agreed to initiate the castrating lifting of the Voting Centers, which will serve to determine the electoral infrastructure conditions.


@Ve_cne approved the Special Norms Regarding the Electoral System for the Regional and Municipal Elections of November 21, 2021, available on the website”