Maduro: In pandemic have been created 13,478 SMEs throughout the country

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, announced this Wednesday that between 2020 and 2021 have completed their Commercial Registry 13,478 new small and medium-sized companies throughout the country, of which 10,968 belong to the commercial sector and 2,510 to the industrial productive sector.

During a new Productive Wednesday journey, dedicated to the strengthening of the small and medium industry in the country, held from the Special Economic Zone of Guarenas, in Miranda state, the national president reiterated that SMEs are a fundamental factor within the economic national impulse.

After taking a tour of the Remcaucho retreading company, whose processes achieve the restoration of used tires in an average of three hours to grant 50% of new life to these inputs, the Head of State explained that to date more than 20,000 small and medium industries remain operational throughout the country.

In this regard, the national president affirmed that great steps have been taken to recover the national economy, even amidst the economic war and the aggressions generated by the unilateral coercive actions applied against the Venezuelan people:

We are on the right path to diversify the economy, to break the ties with the oil rentier model. We have to go to a model where small, medium and large industries are integrated”, urged President Maduro.

Special Economic Zones:

He said that one of these actions is the discussion, by the National Assembly, of the Law of Special Economic Zones, an instrument that his judgment will give a boost to the industrial apparatus of Venezuela:

“This Law is going to order at a higher stage all the policy of Special Economic Zones that have been successful throughout the world”, he said.

He emphasized that in this phase many businessmen have expressed their positive expectations regarding this Law: “There is hope by the businessmen with the Law of Special Economic Zones. I promise to hold a public hearing in Miraflores next Wednesday, to explain to Venezuela all the components of the Law of Special Economic Zones, in a national joint broadcast”, he said.

Productive Quality:

Likewise, Maduro announced the activation of the Venezuelan Council for Productive Quality, a body that will allow “to give guidelines to guarantee the productive quality of Venezuelan industry at all levels.”

Similarly, he announced the exemption, until December 31 this year, of the payment of fees for the registration of Intellectual Property patents “In order to continue promoting this economic sector”.

He finally recalled the impulse given to the digital economy thanks to the incorporation of the C2P payment as a fundamental instrument of the economy, an initiative in which the country’s public and private banks have joined: “They made war on us with paper money, now we are recovering with the digital economy”, he said.

In a message to the Venezuelan men and women he called “To work for the union of Venezuela”.

What corresponds to us is union, let’s not allow ourselves to be divided by anyone, let’s work for the good of everyone, do not let anyone sow hatred against each other. We are going to work for the union of all, for the good of all, to work with love. Times of prosperity and recovery are coming, let’s learn to walk with our own feet, to think with our own head, to do things with our own hands, let’s learn to love Venezuela”, concluded President Maduro.