AN installed the first state commission for dialogue, reconciliation and peace in Carabobo

The Commission for Dialogue, Reconciliation and Peace of the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, installed the state commission made up of various sectors of Carabobo state, with the aim of achieving fruitful exchange that allows building elements of encounter for the future.

The President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez Gómez, reported that it began with Carabobo state, precisely because Carabobo 200 years ago was the site of the meeting, where all the voices and cultures of the Republic converge for the definitive battle that gave us freedom.

«How beautiful it would be if in the future, our daughters, sons, grandsons and granddaughters may say: We are in the Venezuela of the future, because our grandparents and our parents agreed on the differences of seeing the world, life, politics, society, the development of the economy, culture, religion”, commented Jorge Rodríguez Gómez.

Carabobo state, a melting pot of Latin American freedom, then begins a stage in which the commission must go to meet the people so that everyone feels included in the dialogue process, instructed the president of the National Assembly.

Jorge Rodríguez Gómez is certain that the installation of the state commission “is a tremendous opportunity for everything that arises to be the product of dialogue, because what heals is not only the meeting, but also trust, and in the commission, They will see that there is a common objective that is Venezuela”.

This is a fruitful meeting between people and sectors who think differently, who will evaluate the options to reach an agreement. It is an arduous work that in a few weeks, will form a sub-commission, which will incorporate deputies and deputies, who have made their political life in Carabobo, and will report to the National Assembly the proposals of the Bicentennial state.