More than 100 Venezuelan doctors will offer free assistance in Brazilian Amazonia state

More than 100 Venezuelan doctors, who make up the Simon Bolivar Brigade, will offer free care to the Brazilian state of Amazonia, after the signing of an agreement between the two nations, informed the General Anti-Imperialist Committee Abreu De Lima.

“The doctors trained in Venezuela, now gathered at the border with Brazil, formalize an agreement with the Amazonia. More than 100 professionals of the Simon Bolivar Brigade will offer free assistance to the state in case of emergency ¡Long live the latin American integration”, wrote the committee in its account on the Twitter social network.

Venezuela sent a total of 136,000 liters of oxygen to Brazil this weekend to attend the sanitary collapse in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, especially in the capital, Manaus.

This Saturday, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, announced that Venezuela will also send 107 Brazilian and Venezuelan doctors, graduates of the Latin American School of Medicine (Elam), based in Caracas, to offer their services in that state of Amazonas, which borders Venezuela.

Last Thursday, the Brazilian state of Amazonas decreed a curfew due to the collapse of the health system as a result of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Jessem Orellana, from the Fiocruz-Amazonia Foundation, a scientific research institution; declared to AFP that in Manaus, “the oxygen ran out and some health units became a kind of asphyxiation chamber”.

Brazil to date is the first country most affected by the pandemic in South America, registering 8,511,770 positive cases and 210,299 deaths.