Venezuela opens its arms to investments in 2021

The Head of State and Government, Nicolás Maduro Moros, reiterated the invitation to world investors to visualize the new financial options that generate from the Anti-Blockade Law for National Development and the Guarantee of Human Rights:

«We have the Anti-Blockade Law, there is the new National Assembly that is going to develop a set of laws to make investment in Venezuelan economic activity more flexible, Venezuela is open to the world for investment,» he stressed, while inviting investors from Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina and the entire Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States to know the special conditions to promote financial and economic activities in the country.

He stressed that Venezuela maintains strong cooperation ties with countries such as the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Cuba, India, Turkey and Africa, which will continue strengthening in 2021.

Likewise, the Dignitary specified that as a result of the coercive measures imposed by the Donald Trump administration on our country, investors and debt holders of the United States have been affected:

If something has hurt investors, US debt holders, it has been Donald Trump’s extremist policy against Venezuela. We paid 132 billion dollars from 2010-2017, until Trump arrived, that was profit for financial investors,» he said.

In this sense, he certified the willingness to negotiate and fulfill all financial commitments: «They know that we are a people committed to our word, reliable for financial activity.»

The Anti-Blockade Law for National Development and Human Rights Guarantees, which will be applied by the new Parliament, will allow the development of norms that facilitate investment in Venezuela, which means reactivating economic areas of the country.