Created state company Venezuelan Railway Industry and Cable Car System

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, approved the creation of the state company “Industria Ferroviaria y Sistema por Cable de Venezuela” (Venezuelan Railway Industry and Cable Car System), which will be responsible for the maintenance of the entire national railway park.

In addition to maintaining the railway and cable car transport systems, the company plans to design new technological strategies to innovate, with Venezuelan labor, the assembly of new trains.

The Minister of People’s Power for Transportation, Hipólito Abreu, stated that the industry will have the participation of Venezuelan engineers trained in the mechanical, electromechanical, electronics and telematic areas.

Railway innovation:

In the Cristóbal Rojas municipality of Miranda state, the engineers of the Railroad Institute (IFE) put into operation the centralized command system in the rail transport that connects the city of Charallave with Greater Caracas.

This command management system “was developed under a centralized scheme that allows the administration, control and monitoring of the railways and trains in real time, allowing safety in the circulation of trains,” explained engineer Gray Silva.

During a satellite connection with the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, Silva explained that the system “is developed in Python programming language and the postgres data manager, allowing access to different operating systems through a web environment that runs in three operating systems: windows, free software and android.