President Maduro ordered an increase in national seed production

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, announced this Wednesday that the Venezuelan agribusiness plants are being activated for the benefit of the people.

From a productive journey with productive sectors of the country, he assured that the national government supports Venezuelan producers with all the logistics: “We have to activate the entire Venezuelan agribusiness and economy to meet the needs of Venezuelans,” said the national president.

He argued that the impulse of the 16 productive engines are essential for the development of the country and ordered to increase the production of national seeds to satisfy the needs of Venezuelans.

He stressed that the strengthening of the national agribusiness is the most important thing for his government in the midst of the economic war that has been applied to the country. “All united must multiply urban agriculture by the only way, work and daily struggle.”

We have to multiply the People’s Power, the sowing, the productive forces by the only way there is, planning, work and sacrifice. The people must be taught how popular power is organized to produce. Let’s work as the Plan of the Homeland 2021-2025 says, to work and produce for the people, ”he said.

In the same way, he reported that he is preparing good and beautiful surprises for the people in December, “thinking about how to protect the family, how to make our people happy,” he said.

During the conference, the Minister of People’s Power for Productive Agriculture and Lands, Wilmar Castro Soteldo, reported that during this year 9 varieties of rice seeds were produced in the country, 377,000 hectares of rice were served and more than 1,080,000 plants of white and yellow corn.

The opportunity was propitious to inaugurate a plant for the processing of rice that produces 48 tons of the item per day, and per month will produce 1,400,000 kilos of rice to serve 56,000 families.

On the other hand, in the 23 de Enero parish in Caracas, the “Vegetable Planting Plan 2020” was shown, where 1,600 square meters of paprika and tomatoes are sown to supply the community. From there, the Minister of People’s Power for Urban Agriculture, Greisy Barrios, assured that 9,000 plants have been planted to produce 30,000 kilograms of both items.

Through a television broadcast, the production progress was monitored at the Normandiaz Farm located in the Guanare municipality, which currently produces 1,100 registered Brahman Gray cattle, mestizo milking dairy cattle, animals of high genetic quality and 500 hectares of reserve.

The blockade will be overcome through the CLAPs:

The president, Nicolás Maduro, assured that the Local Supply and Production Committee (CLAP) must be re-powered, since through them the blockade will be overcome:

Venezuela is writing a glorious page in this process of liberation of the 21st century, our battle is to win through the CLAP. Our objective is our people, to strengthen the CLAP, united and articulated to produce ”, he said.

He assured that sowing has to be essential in the revolutionary process, “our Commander Chávez began the process to save the Venezuelan countryside, this path is not easy but we are persevering in production,” he said.