After the recovery of diplomatic work at the embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in La Paz, Bolivia, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, proceeded to remove from the headquarters the portrait of the opponent and deputy in contempt Juan Guaidó, and relocated to its place of origin the emblematic paintings of the Liberator Simón Bolívar and the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez.
These paintings were recovered by diplomats at the time of last year’s coup d’etat that was perpetrated against Evo Morales.
In a contact with Venezolana de Televisión, images of Arreaza’s entrance at the diplomatic headquarters were shown this Monday, coinciding with the arrival of former President Evo Morales in Bolivia, after a year in exile.
Likewise, the Chancellor ratified Alexander Yánez, Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs, as the new Venezuelan ambassador to Bolivia.
Members of social movements and political parties gathered around the embassy in support and solidarity with the Venezuelan people who recovered the diplomatic headquarters on Monday and that crowd welcomed Chancellor Arreaza and other diplomatic authorities.
“With great pride we report that we have peacefully recovered what belongs to the Venezuelan and Bolivian people and the peoples of the world: the embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Thanks to the Bolivian people who gave victory to the MAS, the social movements, David Choquehuanca, Luis Arce, and Evo Morales, thanks to them we are here taking up what belongs to the people, ” emphasized Arreaza.
Evo Morales, in parallel, stepped on Bolivian territory after crossing the international border crossing La Quiaca-Villazón, an act in which he was accompanied on the Argentine side by the president of that nation, Alberto Fernández, and by Álvaro García Linera, who was vice president of Bolivia. during Morales’ administration, in addition to a massive concentration of people.
With this step, the so-called Great Popular Caravan began, which travels together with Morales by land more than 1,100 kilometers and will cross three departments (Potosí, Oruro and Cochabamba), until it reaches the Chimoré airport next Wednesday, November 11, as reviews Telesur.
Chancellory Venezuela
“#VIDEO | With great pride we report that Chávez and Bolívar returned to the Venezuelan diplomatic mission in Bolivia. They will not return!”