In Keys: Measures taken by the Executive to strengthen control of COVID-19

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, announced on Tuesday a set of measures that seek to strengthen control of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country.
The measures include: the expansion of the hospitalization system, the approval of resources for food, the provision of distance educational programs, among others, which are detailed below:

· The hospitalization and immediate isolation in health centers of all cases detected as positive in COVID-19 are ordered; this to avoid the intradomiciliary contagion.

· Deployment of strict sanitary controls in the border area, to prevent a recurrence of COVID-19 in Venezuela.

· To guarantee food, medical care and free accommodation during the quarantine period for all Venezuelans who arrive in the country, due to the xenophobia and discrimination they have been victims of in neighboring countries.

· To continue the joint work with scientists from Germany and world organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the United Nations Organization (UN); in order to address the COVID-19 outbreak and save lives, until the vaccine is developed against the disease.

· To incorporate to the National Institute of Hygiene of Venezuela the modern and advanced machines for the detection of COVID-19, which would be donated to Colombia, and which were rejected by the president of that nation, Iván Duque, to the detriment of the neogranadinean (Colombian) people.

· To carry out a national consultation to evaluate the different modalities applicable to conclude the school year, strengthening the “Cada Familia Una Escuela” (Every Family a School) program.

· To expand the spaces on radio and television, where in the morning it will be assigned to initial and primary education; in the afternoon for secondary and technical secondary education.

· It was approved the House by House distribution scheme of the Local Supply and Production Committees (CLAP), complemented by the communal supply points and the “Yo Compro en Casa” (I shop from Home) plan.

· As part of the Special Plan for the Distribution of Animal Protein Foods, Vegetables and Dry Items, under the modalities of House-By-House, Communal Supply Point and Yo Compro en Casa, the National Executive has allocated resources in the order of 13 million euros, as well as for the School Feeding Program, to which were assigned 22,457,000 euros.