The vice president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, urged the US president, Donald Trump, not to let be manipulated regarding the Venezuelan reality, distorted by a fraction of the Venezuelan opposition, led by the self-proclaimed Juan Guaidó:
«I want this message to reach President Donald Trump: Do not let be fooled by the gang of criminals and thieves who deliver our territory, who steal our resources and get rich at the expenses of the people of Venezuela. Do not let yourself be fooled by that gang that coordinated by Mr. Juan Guaidó», said Rodríguez.
During a tour through the Elías Febres Missions Base, in the El Onoto community of the Caricuao parish, Rodríguez recalled that the deputy of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, is accused by his entourage of diverting the funds granted by the US to «humanitarian aid» to Venezuela.
«I hope this message can directly reach President Trump, from the people of Venezuela, from the heart of the Venezuelan people, for it to reach Trump’s ears without intermediaries, thieves and criminals that lead him from one failure to another in his international policy», concluded Rodríguez.