President Maduro calls for peace in Colombia 68 years after Gaitán's assassination

President Nicolas Maduro from his account on the Twitter social network @NicolasMaduro, remembered the political leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, assassinated 68 years ago and a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia for the 1950-1954 period.
The murder of Gaitan was registered during a rally in Bogota, a fact that caused mass protests known as the «Bogotazo».
In another message posted on his account on the Facebook social network, the Head of State added «Today we continue in the daily battle for a united Latin America free from oppression, the dream of our father Bolivar and our Commander Chavez, the dream of a Big Homeland. Gaitan lives, the struggle continues!».
Nicolas Maduro
«68 years after his murder … Gaitan shouts to us from history: … Peace, Peace, Peace … Equality, Justice … Gaitan Lives»
13:28 – April 9, 2016