The Chancellor of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, confirmed on Monday through her account on the Twitter social network @DrodriguezVen the solidarity of Venezuela towards the Palestinian cause.
Delcy Rodriguez
«We want to remind the world that the Palestinian cause is the cause of Venezuela. Our ties of brotherhood and cooperation are unbreakable.»
11:18 – 16 May 2016
Israel has detained more than 750,000 Palestinians since 1967, an equivalent to 20% of the total Palestinian population in the occupied territories, in addition to the total of detainees, 23,000 women and 25,000 children, as contextualizes the regional news channel.
According to organizations defending human rights, about 7,000 Palestinians, 400 of them underage, live in subhuman conditions at the Israeli prisons, lacking basic rights such as water, food, medical care, education, regular visits, legal defense among others, adds the note.
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