President Maduro proposes relaunching of Petrocaribe and the economic zone of ALBA

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, proposed on Saturday the re-launching of Petrocaribe and the economic «Intra-ALBA» zone, as well as the social programs developed by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas-Peoples’ Trade Agreement (ALBA) -TCP), regarding the 17th Summit of the organization that was held in Cuba.
During his speech, the National Representative explained the possibility and importance of retaking the Economic Secretariat of the organization to stimulate a commercial stimulus and investment policy, which allows progress in the “dream of the ALBA economic zone, of the Petrocaribe economic zone, to which we have dedicated so much effort».
“Let’s assume, but as a joint task, the re-launching of Petrocaribe and its total operation in the first half of 2020 as the great goal of ALBA, and Venezuela actively commits to make that a reality. Let us take with force the expansion of the Bank of ALBA to the level that our countries need; let’s take the original treaty of the treaty of the peoples with force», said the Venezuelan Head of State.
He also pointed out the need to resume (Ophtalmological) Mission Miracle and plan the attention of 10 million people throughout the region, in addition to the other educational and economic programs with investments of a public, private and mixed nature.
“If we have reached seven million Latin Americans and Caribbean operated from their eyes, cured, we can consider reaching the goal of 10 million in the medium term. Let’s take the relaunching of educational missions with force, let’s take with force the relaunch of all economic programs», he said.
President Maduro also urged to maintain the spiritual and moral union, while recalling that the organization, founded in 2004 by Commanders Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, offers a balance of ALBA.
He said that ALBA has demonstrated through Petrocaribe, Mision Miracle, the «Yo Si Puedo» (Yes I Can) (literacy) program, as well as the strategies to serve people with disabilities on the continent, their strong capacity and validity of their solidarity and union postulates.
“It has demonstrated in the economic, social and political, in all political scenarios, ALBA has demonstrated its validity, strength and ability to make speeches, proclamations and communications concrete reality. From ALBA we can say, historically, that we have shown that a different path of love, of attention can be traveled. We have much to prove that from ALBA it is possible”, he stressed.