Bolivarian Government exalts commitment to respect for human rights

The Bolivarian Government maintains a deep commitment to the promotion, respect and guarantee of human rights of Venezuelans, said on Thursday the Sectoral Vice President of Social and Territorial Development, Aristóbulo Istúriz.
He pointed out that the National Government, since the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution, has been clear that the economic factor is not about the accumulation of wealth, but about acquiring the resources that allow the development of projects that meet the needs of the people; while the political factor is not about reaching power, but about guaranteeing peace and tranquility that allows the development of the country.
«The ultimate goal is not politics in itself, it is not the economy in itself, it is the human being, the material conditions of life and the spiritual conditions of our people, that is the ultimate goal. That’s why the social thing is strategic, that’s why our social policies, all of them, are aimed at achieving that ultimate goal, that’s why for us social policies are part of human rights», said the Minister for Education in the Assembly of the Bolivarian Congress of the Peoples.
He also stressed that the National Government has valued the social, economic, and cultural rights of the people, as established by the Constitution of the Republic, for which a set of laws and institutions such as the Missions and Great Missions have been developed, to purpose of developing the precepts established in the Magna Carta.
«We have made progress in creating a revolutionary institutional framework to include the excluded, in order to guarantee the right, so that everyone is on an equal footing, that is the Bolivarian Revolution and for that the institutionality is created,» he said.