The National Government, through the Plan Vuelta a la Patria (Return to the Homeland Plan), will repatriate 180 Venezuelans this week, who are in Peru and have expressed their willingness to return to the country.
It is expected that for this Tuesday, June 18, 90 nationals will return by air, while on Wednesday, June 19, another 90 will arrive.
Since the start of this program, 14,250 Venezuelans have returned to the country to date with the support of the airline Consorcio Venezolano de Industrias Aeronáuticas y Servicios Aereos S.A. (CONVIASA).
On the last trip, more than 90 compatriots arrived from Brazil, as part of the humanitarian channel created by the Bolivarian Government to guarantee the return of all Venezuelans who wish to return, and who have been subjected to xenophobic attacks.
The Plan Vuelta a la Patria establishes an air and land bridge for the voluntary return of all those Venezuelans abroad who lack their own means of return, and then incorporate them into the social programs promoted by the National Government.
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