Nicolas Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, met on Monday afternoon with Chancellor of Ecuador, Guillaume Long, and Delcy Rodríguez of Venezuela.
From Miraflores Palace in Caracas, Guillaume Long, the Head of State and Delcy Rodríguez, discussed issues of a bilateral interest.
Earlier, Long met with the Venezuelan Foreign Minister in order to review the agenda of energy cooperation between the two countries.
The information was given through the Twitter account of the Presidency of the Republic and the Venezuelan Chancellory @vencancilleria and @PresidencialVen
Following, the informational tweets:
Chancellery Vzla
«Pdte @NicolasMaduro and @DrodriguezVen Minister met with Foreign Minister of Ecuador @GuillaumeLong in Caracas»
– Chancellery Vzla (@vencancilleria) May 9, 2016
Chancellery Vzla
«#FOTOS | In a meeting with @GuillaumeLong, the Pdte @DrodriguezVen @NicolasMaduro and discussed issues of bilateral interest
18:03 – 9 May 2016
– Chancellery Vzla (@vencancilleria) May 9, 2016
Presidential Press
» #Now meeting between Pres @NicolasMaduro, the @DrodriguezVen Minister and Foreign Minister of Ecuador @GuillaumeLong
18:08 – May 9, 2016 · Venezuela, Venezuela
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