Ceballos: We will not accept foreign interference of any kind

The Operational Strategic Commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (CEOFANB), Remigio Ceballos, ratified that the military institution will not accept foreign interference “of any kind” under the mandate of the Commander in Chief and President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro:
“We ratified the combative character of each of the members of the FANB and the Venezuelan people for the tireless struggle, they did not accept any foreign interference”, he emphasized from Fort Tiuna, in Caracas.
Ceballos highlighted the upcoming celebration of the Military Exercises “Bicentenario de Angostura 2019”, scheduled between February 10 and 15, stating that its fundamental objective will be to prepare the population for the integral defense of the national territory.
He explained that, until now, they are in the process of planning and evaluating the elements that will be considered for their execution. In this regard, he noted that warnings are being evaluated for the design of the new geo-strategic architecture to address cross-border threats, since “the great evils that Venezuela has suffered” come from there.
The Military Exercises “Bicentenario de Angostura 2019” were convened by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, on Thursday, January 10, during the act of reaffirmation of loyalty and subordination of the FANB to the figure of the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the military corps for the government period 2019-2025.