For the Youth to be able to direct the destiny of Venezuela is the greatest achievement of the Revolution

The president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, said that «The greatest achievement reached by the Revolution in the last 18 years is that young people in the country can have the opportunity to prepare, in the near future, to direct the destinies of Venezuela under the legacy left by the Supreme Commander, Hugo Chávez »

From the main platform of the march as part of the Day of the University Student, Cabello assured that at the time when the Adecos(*) and Copeyanos(**) were at the head of the country it was impossible for there to exist a free student movement, with the ability to organize and express their ideas:

«How many dreams did the right wing took away from our young people? Here at the UCV (Central University of Venezuela), how many children died by the hands of the Accion Democrática and Copei governments?» Asked Cabello, adding that thanks to Commander Chavez, it is possible nowadays for the student body to organize and mobilize.

He explained that Venezuelan youth is revolutionary by nature: «You revolutionaries are the real youth», he said, referring to all the young people who were present at the march for the day of the university student.

(*): Belonging to the (right wing) Acción Democrática party
(**): Belonging to the (right wing) Copei party