The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, approved on Thursday a total of 54,885,625 sovereign bolivars for the recovery of the infrastructure of the system of art schools and cultural education centers attached to the Ministry of People’s Power for culture.
From the International Book Fair of Venezuela (Filven) the National President directed 2,100 Petros and 15,964 euros for the operation of the National Center for Documentary Preservation of the Republic.
Likewise, were allocated 48 million bolivars for the execution of recovery and updating of all the systems of the public library network in Venezuela.
Also 85 million bolivars were approved for the development of repair, maintenance activities and expansion of infrastructure of the National Library.
The president informed that within the framework of the National Decolonization Plan he approved the resources to promote the Manuel Vadell National Reading Plan, with an investment of 50 million bolivars.
He also announced that the 2019-2025 Homeland Plan must develop a policy of access to reading with an impact on social networks as a globalization phenomenon that allows for more widespread dissemination of culture and reading.