Will not be allowed candidacy of persons linked to acts of political violence

The President of the Commission for Truth (of the ANC), Delcy Rodriguez, announced that will be opened an investigation to determine who are responsible for the events of political violence in 2017.

«For what was generated and cultivated as hate crimes during the execution of these violent acts and their related crimes», she said.

She explained that have been reviewed messages sent through social networks, photographs of Venezuelan opposition leaders responsible for the organization of violent events in Venezuela.

She reported that it was decided to send a request to the CNE to forward to the Commission for Truth the complete list of postulates to Governorates, to determine if any one is involved in any violence fact that may have disturbed the public peace and tranquility.

«We have to prevent the Venezuelan society from suffering the consequences of people who occupy and use their posts for destabilizing purposes», she said.

She recalled that in 2015 were elected deputies by the opposition who had incurred in homicides and gender violence.

Finally, Rodríguez said that the Commission will be very careful to allow some postulate who is or may have been involved in violence for political purposes.