Chavismo is a national feeling and a way of being

The president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro, highlighted Chavismo as a historical reality and a political identity that goes beyond formal understanding:

“It is a national feeling, a consciousness, a way of being. A Chavista is a man and a woman who is loyal to their own ideas and to the idea of a Homeland”, he exclaimed this Saturday during his participation in the central act of installation of the 4th National Congress of PSUV from the National Pantheon.

He also highlighted the popular and transforming character of the Chavista and revolutionary people because it has an essential based on hope:

“The Chavista is the common man and woman who does not hide from the problems of reality and is able to face them wherever they may be. It is essentially the optimistic Venezuelan being, full of hope in the future, has as a characteristic that does not remain silent to anyone”, he said.

He also characterized Chavismo as a political current able to produce its own language that managed to collect the historical struggles of the peoples, from the indigenous peoples, the Afro-descendant communities and the national Revolutionary history of the 20th century as well as the historical flags of Latin America and the Caribbean.

He also stressed the importance of the unity of the revolutionary forces around the proposals for the formation of socialism:

“Madurismo does not exist, what exists here is Chavismo. And the first Chavista of this story is called Nicolás Maduro Moros”, he said.