PSUV Consolidated as the country’s first political force

Journalist José Vicente Rangel presented a survey made by the Hinterlaces poll company, where respondents expressed sympathy in 36 percent with the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, maintaining it as the first political force in the country.

“In the presidential elections of May 20, the PSUV consolidates itself as the main political and cultural force of the country, and also as the most important electoral force” , said Rangel.

He explained that the study had a population of 1,580 direct interviews held from May 24 to June 6.

The study obtained as a result that 34% sympathize with the red party, and 2% with the Great Patriotic Pole, totaling 36% of support.

Meanwhile, the alternative forces to the government obtained 19% support, broken down into: 5% Acción Democratica, 3% COPEI Social Christian Party, 2% Esperanza por el Cambio, 2% Primero Justicia, 2% Voluntad Popular, 2% Avanzada Progresista, 2 % Democratic Unity Table, 1% other parties.