The first vice president of Psuv, Diosdado Cabello, said that the media of the national and international ultra right wing regrets that from the Bolivarian Government was given a response to the media show they intended to mount regarding the capture of terrorist Óscar Pérez.

“It hurts them that we came out on Monday to refute the string of lies they had, that’s what burns them, that we do not leave the court alone, I’m not a journalist, but if I can tell the truth then I will say it wherever I have to tell it, and I assume my responsibility”, said Cabello during the 190th broadcast of the program “Con el Mazo Dando” (Hitting with the Hammer).

He referred to the incident occurred on Monday when security forces dismantled the terrorist group that attacked last year the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Justice in Caracas and the Ministry of People’s Power for Interior Relations, Justice and Peace.

In this confrontation seven members of the cell were killed, among them Óscar Pérez, accredited as a leader of the criminal group.

“That operation began at 4:00 in the morning, there were 22 comrades from the Special Actions Forces (FAES). They arrived at the site and were greeted with bullets by the terrorists inside. In that lapse from 4:00 am until 11:20 am they never stopped shooting”, said Cabello.

He said Perez received pressures from the right wing not to surrender. “He decided, and chose his path”, he said.

Cabello insisted that the State security forces will continue to search for the other members of this terrorist cell, while alerting the Venezuelan people on the right wing’s fascism.

He made a call to the right wing to stay in the thread of democracy, facing the process of presidential elections scheduled for this year.

“I hope everything is peaceful, hopefully when there are elections you can agree and present a candidate. If they do not go, that’s their problem, we’re going to go”, he said.