ANC installed plenary session to discuss Seniors Chapter

The National Constituent Assembly (ANC) installed a plenary session on Thursday to discuss the chapter on elder adults.

The statements made during the day referred to the need to establish effective mechanisms so the elder adults may be incorporated into the construction of a new national economic model with their proposals and experiences in various areas.

“Today, this ANC proposes a new economic model through which we the elderly have to travel, who are experience, knowledge, are people who have an experience of life that can not be lost in this constituent process of 2017”, said the vice president of the Senior Citizens Commission of the Constituent Assembly, Rafael Argoti.

During the session was established the importance of this sector of the population in the renewal of the Magna Carta . “Today the country needs this strength and experience of older adults in all fields, in all oil, industrial, business and educational developments, and for that we have to deepen the Bolivarian Revolution”, said Argoti.

In the opinion of the constituent there are three fundamental aspects to the debate: The first is the eradication of discrimination, progress in guaranteeing health and the contribution of these citizens to the economic development.

In his speech, Argoti recalled the legacy of Commander Hugo Chavez, with the vindication of the elders since 1999, when he granted, through Article 80 of the Constitutional Charter, constitutional rank to public policies in favor of the elderly.