«In the corridors of the headquarters of the (right wing) Acción Democratica party in La Florida, Caracas, there is a lot of comments, about: Why Borges does not want a dialogue and, even less, the electoral process to elect the Governors?», said the first vice president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello.
There have been many murmurs and telephone conversations regarding this question, where have been spread the instructions received by Borges from Washington on Friday, September 22, to block any effort of dialogue with the Revolutionary Government, at the risk of breaking with the Trump-Borges Plan, agreed in the capital of the empire on May 5, during a visit to the White House.
During the issue 176 of the program «Con el Mazo Dando» (Hitting with the Hammer), Cabello denounced that before this imperial instruction has been exposed the action of the opposition militant in the meetings held a few days ago in the Dominican Republic with representatives of the Bolivarian Government, where he was threading what would be the «final kick», to get out of the dialogue and not to get in a bad shape with his criminal allies of the international right wing.
Borges left a justification to Luis Florido, who was coming up with unsubstantiated explanations about the pre-dialogue, so as neither to get in a bad shape with the extremist sectors of all the time, which do not agree with dialogue, nor with any electoral process.
The representative of Primero Justicia is at a new crossroads: How to deal with the regional elections?, requested by the right wing, but rejected from the base. It should be noted that, of materializing their participation, Cabello denounced that were already issued instructions on how to justify the continuation of the coup plot planned since April, and which was neutralized thanks to the election of the National Constituent Assembly.
«It is already a masked plan in order to make believe, at least in October, the alleged intentions of wanting to participate in regional elections, and also falsely giving enthusiasm to those militants of the MUD parties who believe the story, and who still are not convinced on the true face of the MUD», he added.
Cabello said that among the plans of Julio Borges, there is the sabotage of the candidates of the Acción Democrática party, in order to undermine the presidential campaign of Henry Ramos Allup, then to reiterate in the laboratories of attack against the CNE and the GNB, with the goal to feed the fraud matrix for next October 15, in order to provoke new scenarios of violence and chaos in the country to attract the attention of the international oligarchy.