Read here the ANC’s decree against the US economic blockade of Venezuela

From the Protocolary Hemicycle of the Federal Legislative Palace, the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) unanimously approved a decree against the financial sanctions of the United States against Venezuela.

Last Friday US President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning new debt (bonds and financial instruments) and capital negotiations by the National Government and Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), the main Venezuelan company.

In this sense, the Original Power decreed the following:

1. To repudiate and categorically condemn the illegitimate and illegal executive order by the US President, which imposes economic and financial sanctions against the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

2.- To assume the call made by citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, to jointly initiate with the competent bodies of the State, a historical trial for treason on the Homeland against those who are involved in the promotion of these immoral actions against the interests of the Venezuelan people.

3.- To declare as traitors to the country the national political actors of a marked anti-Venezuelan character who have promoted economic aggression, intervention against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and to request to the competent bodies to immediately start the investigations and respective processes, in order to determine their liability and corresponding sanctions.

4. To salute the various statements of support from the international community to the people and to the democratic system of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, rejecting these unilateral actions that seek the conversion of our Latin American and Caribbean region into a new war front for the imperial eagerness to grab its valuable territories and strategic resources.

5.- To express our complete and absolute support to President Nicolás Maduro, to the institutions of the State and to all our people before this infamous aggression and to strongly support from this great National Constituent Assembly, all the actions that the Head of State adopts to annul and to conjure this attack against the Homeland.

Following, the complete communiqué:

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

The National Constituent Assembly

Constitutional decree against financial blockade of the Government of the United States of America against the Venezuelan people

The National Constituent Assembly in exercise of its original power, emanating from the mandate conferred by the people of Venezuela on July 30, 2017, in democratic, free, universal, direct and secret elections, in accordance with the provisions of articles 347, 348 And 349 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Considering that on August 25, 2017, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, issued an executive order imposing an economic and financial blockade against the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through illicit and illegitimate sanctions in the extension and application of the Executive order by Barack Obama, which considers Venezuela an unusual and extraordinary threat to the US national security and foreign policy.

Considering that the US Treasury Secretary expressly stated that such sanctions are aimed at stifling the Venezuelan economy in order to affect the Government and people of Venezuela, repeating the unconventional attack scheme they used for the overthrow of President Salvador Allende, and in other countries not aligned with American imperial interests.

Considering that the unlawful and illegitimate sanctions imposed by the United States Government are aimed at restricting the State’s international financing capacity and its commercial management power of products, goods and services necessary to satisfy the needs and guarantee of the rights of Venezuelan men and women, even claiming to cause a cessation of payments to affect the very high creditworthiness of Venezuela.

Considering that the financial blockade imposed by the Government of the United States seeks to undermine the operation and management of PDVSA and its national and international operators, adversely affecting the principal source of income of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Considering that these sanctions grossly formalize the mechanisms of economic aggression that have been developed from abroad against Venezuela, starting in 2013, to attack the human rights model of the Bolivarian Revolution and cause difficulties and suffering to the Venezuelan people, with the purpose of generating a humanitarian crisis that justifies a military intervention of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Whereas this new action by Donald Trump’s Government, constitutes an unilateral, illegal and immoral formula designed and executed by world powers, in coalition with the right-wing Governments of the region in order to destroy peace, stability, democracy and the institutions of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Considering that unilateral sanctions and coercive measures are contrary to international law, the Charter of the United Nations and the norms and principles governing peaceful relations between States.

Considering that the opposition, assembled in the self-called Democratic Unity Board (MUD) along with other national political factors of a profound anti-Venezuelan character, has worked steadily to deal with these immoral and illegal sanctions of the United States Government, to the point of expressing through a communiqué, an infamous and unprecedented one in the Venezuelan political history, their support for the actions taken against the Venezuelan people in a clear contravention of the constitutional duty to honor and defend the country; Decrees:

1. To repudiate and categorically condemn the illegitimate and illegal executive order of the US President, which imposes economic and financial sanctions against the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

2.- To assume the call of citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, to jointly initiate with the competent bodies of the State, a historical trial for Treason against the Homeland against those who are involved in the promotion of these immoral actions against the interests of the Venezuelan people.

3.- To declare as traitors to the Homeland the national political actors of a marked anti-Venezuelan character who have promoted the economic aggression, an intervention against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and to request the competent bodies to immediately start the investigations and respective processes, in order to determine their liability and corresponding sanctions.

4. To salute the various declarations of support of the international community to the people and the democratic system of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, rejecting these unilateral actions that seek the conversion of our Latin American and Caribbean region into a new war front by the imperial eagerness to get ahold of the valuable territories and strategic resources.

5.- To express our complete and absolute support to President Nicolás Maduro, to the institutions of the State and to all our people before this infamous aggression and to strongly support from this great National Constituent Assembly, all the actions that the Head of State adopts to annul and to conjure this attack against the Fatherland.