Padrino López: I call to reject terrorist acts with patriotic spirit

The Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, extended on Monday a call to the entire population to reject terrorist acts such as the one developed at Fort Paramacay in Valencia, Carabobo state, in the early hours of last Sunday.

“I call on the youth to watch carefully what happens in the country and do not fall into the game of these wars that have developed in other countries and that have ended in destruction, I call for the national union, these attacks must unite us as a nation, these attacks are against a nation, not against the President or the Minister of Defense, these are against the Homeland”.

He said that in Venezuela there are groups working to implement “anarchy and chaos” in the territory and “to take power by violence, that is not the way, (the way) is what we decide through the secret, direct, free vote”.”

The Minister added that the national union is essential to demand peace and progress of the country.

“I call on a national union to reject with patriotic spirit these vile, treacherous and cowardly acts that are perpetuating against the Homeland of Bolivar … the people of Venezuela do not ask favors, we demand peace, progress for the country”, said the Minister.