Escarrá: Opposition will try to boycott elections to the ANC

Constitutional lawyer Hermann Escarrá denounced that violent sectors of opposition will try to sabotage the elections to the National Constituent Assembly next July 30, but before this panorama will encounter a people that is enthusiastic to participate in the construction of the original constituent power

“They will try, but they will not be able to boycott. I have toured several of the states, and the enthusiasm is impressive, the call to the ANC has been understood. (…) What I ask of the people is for all of us to vote, in the supreme democratic exercise, and for our struggle to be for peace and for the absolute and radical denial of violence. ”

Regarding the abstention of the right-wing participation in the elections, lawyer Escarrá assured that will begin a process of renewal of leadership in the opposition militancy.

“That day, what is simply explained is that there will be a generational substitution in the political order. Some of them have enrolled (In the ANC). We will have the opposition’s presence with some plausible faces. (…) There will be a renewal of the opposition’s leadership”, he said.

During his speech on the “José Vicente Hoy” program, Escarrá said that, historically, calls for the ANC have manifested in political situations of urgency, in order to achieve a mechanism of national interest that allows the consolidation of a true political dialogue.

“We have to call for peace and reconciliation within the cause of constitutionality. Until 1999 there have passed 27 Constitutions, the only one approved by the people’s will is that of 1999”.

He also acknowledged the efforts of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, who, in the face of the inclement attacks sponsored by the national and international right wing, continues to lead the country by establishing dialogue and peace with the convocation of the ANC.