President Maduro: The People is in rebellion against the law of real estate scam

The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, congratulated the Venezuelan people that came out to the streets on Wednesday to protest the so-called law of real estate scam that seeks to impose the right wing bench in the National Assembly (NA).
«I saw you protesting in the streets in rebellion against the law of real estate scam, that is how is understood what the R of rebellion stands for, against this law, against the attempt to free the criminals who killed 43 fellow countrymen. Today they tried to impose this law drafted by the real estate chamber, by fugitive bankers, at the image and likeness of their businesses, to deprive the people of their housings, to privatize the lands and to sell them in dollars, as they do illegally», stressed the Head of State in the «Con el Mazo Dando» (Hitting with the hammer) program.
Likewise, the President asked, «Who rules in the NA?, Fedecamaras (the Union of Trade Chambers), Consecomercio (The Traders Council) and the Embassy of the United States. At the NA nothing is decided if not previously spoken with the gringo charge d’ affairs».
Regarding the Law of Criminal Amnesia, he recalled that in 2007 Commander Chavez pardoned the perpetrators of the coup d’ teat of 2002 as a gesture of peace, «But one thing is that I, as a victim, (decide to) forgive the perpetrator, and something else entirely is than the victimizer wants to self-forgive himself, as Pinochet and Franco did».