Maduro said it! Let's get hooked with the agenda of work and love for the Homeland

“Let’s not get hooked on the wasteful agenda of hatred, on the useless agenda of the destructive tirade of politicking, to be understood easier: Let’s not get hooked on  Ramos Allup’s agenda”,  urged on Thursday night the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, to the Venezuelan people.
In that sense, he asked Venezuelans to get hooked on the agenda of work, love, faith, and to create in the country, “This is our agenda,” he remarked on Thursday night from Vargas state, where he made a work agenda under the framework of the Fishing Engine.
The National President said that if there are difficult situations indeed “We deal with them, there are painful, sometimes very painful things”, and so he exemplified on the death of the two officers in Tachira state, hit by terrorist hordes.
“It gives me a great pain, impotence, I say this as Ali Primera said: “Between rage and tenderness”, let’s get hooked with with the agenda of work, with the agenda of loving and making for the Homeland,” he said.
He insisted that the focus of the country is working to produce, rebuild and change the Venezuelan economy, “That is the call that I make”, he said.