The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, said this Thursday that will promote the creation of a world organization of the native peoples and proposed that the first congress of this instance will be held in August next year:
“I believe in the unitary struggle of those in the world who want change, a world without imperialism, without racism. I believe in another world, in the dialogue of civilizations», said the President during the closing ceremony of the First International Congress of the Originary Peoples, which was held in the La Llovizna National Park in Bolivar state.
He said that this meeting happened at a very important moment for the peoples of Latin America, who have risen against neoliberalism, as is the case in Chile and Ecuador, where they have rebelled against their right-wing governments.
For three days, representatives of 25 native peoples who visited Venezuela – from El Salvador, Honduras, Kenya, Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Spain and the United States – worked together with 400 national delegates to plan actions to articulate the struggles of the indigenous peoples of several countries.