AN approved Venezuela’s sovereignty Agreement on Guayana Esequiba

The National Assembly (AN), unanimously approved the Draft Agreement to support the approval of the ratification and Defense of the Sovereignty of Venezuela over Guayana Esequiba, a discussion approved in the United Mexican States as part of the dialogue process developed by the Bolivarian Government and the Venezuelan opposition.

In this sense, the Deputy for the Democratic Alliance, José Gregorio Correa, insisted that it was not necessary for the parties in question to travel to Mexico City to ratify the power that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has over the Essequibo.

For his part, the parliamentarian by the Simón Bolívar Great Patriotic Pole (GPPSB), Francisco Torrealba, responded to the statements made by Correa, asserting that the Bolivarian Government will go wherever it has to go to defend the interests of the Venezuelan people.