Deputy Jorge Rodríguez declares recess
During the extraordinary session on Tuesday, the president of the National Assembly (AN), deputy Jorge Rodríguez (PSUV/Capital Department), declared the period of…
LEER MÁSRadio Nacional de Venezuela C.A.
Presidente Maduro encabeza Consejo Nacional de Economía Productiva
Venezuela albergó I Reunión del área científica del ALBA-TCP
Festival de Teatro Progresista traerá talento de 22 países a Venezuela
Presidente Maduro insta a la ONU a garantizar los DD. HH. de los migrantes venezolanos
Rubio admite que no todos los venezolanos secuestrados en El Salvador son delincuentes
During the extraordinary session on Tuesday, the president of the National Assembly (AN), deputy Jorge Rodríguez (PSUV/Capital Department), declared the period of…
LEER MÁSThis Tuesday, during the Parliamentary Plenary, the National Assembly (AN) unanimously agreed to declare in permanent session until the new authorities of…
LEER MÁSThe Special Commission of the National Assembly (AN), which is investigating the responsibilities of the former US president, Donald Trump, after confessing…
LEER MÁSThe Special Commission of the National Assembly (AN) that investigates the scope and responsibilities for public confessions of former US president Donald…
LEER MÁSFrom the National Assembly (AN), the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, offered the Annual Message to the Nation,…
LEER MÁSDuring his Annual Message to the Nation, offered this Thursday from the National Assembly, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro announced…
LEER MÁSAt the beginning of his Annual Message to the Nation, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, urged…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, described this Monday as a failure the policy assumed by the United States (USA), against…
LEER MÁSA delegation of the National Assembly (AN) headed by the highest authority of this Public Power, Jorge Rodríguez, delivered this Monday a…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, urged this Monday the National Assembly (AN) to build a powerful permanent consultation network where…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted the institutional strength in the country, before the start of the…