The Presidents of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Colombia, Nicolás Maduro and Juan Manuel Santos, respectively, agreed to reopen the border progressively, from this Tuesday, following the temporary measure of a closure adopted as part of the actions for the protection of the National currency.
The information was released by the Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, through his Twitter account – @vladimirpadrino -, and detailed that the measure was adopted after conversations between the two leaders.
This Tuesday, December 20, will be given a start to this measure starting from 06:00 hrs, with the «pedestrian crossing until reaching the levels we had already reached.»
The Minister for Defense coordinated with his Colombian counterpart, Luis Carlos Villegas, to increase the operations, on both sides of the border, against the mafias.
Vladimir Padrino L.
«Following ongoing talks between Presidents @NicolasMaduro and @JuanManSantos, it was agreed the progressive opening of the border.»
00:43 – 20 Dec 2016
Vladimir Padrino L.
«From today, Tuesday Dec-20, at 06:00 hrs, will initially be allowed the pedestrian crossing until reaching the levels we had already reached.»
00:44 – 20 Dec 2016
Vladimir Padrino L.
«I have spoken with Dr. Luis Carlos Villegas, Colombian Minister of Defense, to increase operational coordination against the mafias.»
00:48 – 20 Dec 2016
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