Padrino López: FANB are an instrument for building peace

On Thursday, the Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, participated in the seventh regular meeting of the Defense Council of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), where he said that “Our Bolivarian National Armed Forces are an instrument for building peace.”
In the meeting held in Caracas, the minister considered that it is essential to build the bases of a zone of peace to counteract violence in the world and thus advance in the independence of nations.
While greeting the audience, he said that: “Our council is worthy of an acknowledgement by ourselves for its activism, for the very participation, the same dynamic that we have been printing, one of the instances created in parallel from the largest stance of UNASUR.”
Likewise, Minister Padrino López offered his support to the Colombian Government, regarding the signing of a new peace agreement reached with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP).
It is important to note that the seventh ordinary meeting of the Defense Council of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) is carried out with the purpose of strengthening cooperation in the military, peace, defense industry and technology, formation and training scopes.