In its ruling No. 948 of November 15, 2016, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) declared itself competent to hear the action taken by the Attorney General of the Republic (E), Dr. Reinaldo Muñoz, where he requests the TSJ for the provisions to avoid actions of the National Assembly against the Constitution, as it was the parliamentary act called «Agreement to initiate the Procedure of Declaration of Political Responsibility of the President of the Republic before the Serious Rupture of Constitutional and Democratic Order and Devastation of the Economic and Social Bases of the Nation, «approved on October 25, 2016 and issued during the contempt still maintained by the aforementioned legislative body.
The Chamber ordered the deputies of the National Assembly (AN) to refrain from continuing the unconstitutional, null and non-existent «political trial» against the Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros, and to avoid dictating any kinf of act, whether it is in the form of an agreement or of any other kind, that is outside its powers and, finally, outside the provisions of the Constitution.
The maximum interpreter and judicial protector of the Magna Carta recalled sentence 808 of September 2, 2016, in which acts emanating from the National Assembly were declared as manifestly unconstitutional and, therefore, absolutely void and lacking any legal force and effectiveness, including laws that are sanctioned, as long as is maintained the contempt to the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.
The decision prohibits convening and carrying out any acts that disrupt public order, instigate against authorities and public authorities, as well as other actions that violate constitutional rights and the legal order in general.
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