Attorney will sue the Adeco-Bourgeois Assembly for violating the Constitution

The Attorney General of the Republic, Reinaldo Muñoz, went this Wednesday to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in order to file a reserve action against the National Assembly (AN) for their recent actions to the Margin of the Constitution.
From the TSJ facilities in Caracas, Muñoz warned about the pretensions of the opposition parliamentarians, with a majority in the Parliament, to re-occur in violent events such as those of the Coup d’ Etat in 2002 and the so-called «guarimbas» (street riot barricades) in 2014.
«The Attorney General’s Office has the patriotic duty to request to the highest Venezuelan judicial body to take whatever provisions are necessary to avoid the continuity of the actions of the National Assembly outside the Constitution,» he said, in statements broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión.
Muñoz manifested that, among other things, the AN sought to apply an impeachment to the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, a figure which is not contemplated in the Venezuelan Constitution.
He also referred to the calls made by opposition deputies and political party leaders to disown, ignore and replace the authorities of the TSJ and the National Electoral Council (CNE), as well as maintaining street actions against the public authorities.
Faced with this situation, the prosecutor appealed to these sectors to the wisdom, vital to maintain national peace and stability.