President Nicolas Maduro said the National Assembly is self-dissolved, after flouting the judgments of the Supreme Court of Justice, regarding the divestiture of three candidates for deputies incur in denounces of electoral fraud.
He recalled that in 15 years of history of the Revolutionary Parliamentarians at the front of the National Assembly, never was suspended a session for lack of quorum, while in the current National Assembly, led by Henry Ramos Allup, that happens constantly, and therefore they get the medal of failure.
He stressed that: «In 9 months has been destroyed the powerful Assembly that had built the Revolution to serve the country.» He added: «How can you justify that in 26 opportunities there has been no quorum at that institution?».
He detailed that this institution, with a circumstantial right wing majority, is giving its back to the country, and the proof is that parliamentarians from the opposition sector do not fulfill their responsibilities.
The information was provided during the broadcast of his weekly program «Contacto con Maduro» (Contact with Maduro) made from the Catia Theater, where he also explained in detail the allocation of the People’s Budget.