The Vice President of the Republic, Aristobulo Isturiz, attended this Thursday the inauguration ceremony of municipal leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), held in Anzoategui state.
From there, he gave guidelines to the PSUV militants to continue fighting against the economic war in the country, which the Venezuelan people has been bravely resisting.
Isturiz stressed that Venezuela was attacked by the right wing on the first six months of 2016 with several factors such as the drop in oil prices which was also induced against Russia and the Dollar Today campaign, intended to foster a rising inflation and hitting the pockets of the people.
«An economic war accompanied by the hoarding coming from businessmen and industrials to disappear items from the shelves,» he said.
The Vice President also said that they savaged on the issue of international financial isolation, «while Venezuela is up to date with the payments of the foreign debt, they say it is not so and have assembled matrixes of opinions. It is an evil war that comes with conspiracy, destabilization, «guarimba» (riots) and an international media campaign «.
Isturiz urged PSUV members to assume with consciousness the political vanguard that corresponds in their respective municipalities, leaving the houses of the party, to go working in tandem with the people and different organizations, where the Bolivarian Economic Agenda is applied with its 15 engines and strengthening mechanisms of the Great Mission Supply Sovereign.
«Our people endured the onslaught of economic war in January, February, March, April and May (which was the worst month since there did not entered even a single dollar), and the country resisted, the worst is already over, from May until now we started the takeoff, to gradually climb and rise, we have all the obligation to get to have the best December, «he said.
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