Venezuela and Turkey sign binational energy agreement

The National Government, headed by the head of the Oil office, Eulogio del Pino, and his Turkish counterpart, conducted the signing of a memorandum of understanding, comprising various agreements in the energy context, proving to be beneficial for both nations.
Following, the details of the signing:
Memorandum of Understanding between Pdvsa S.A. and Global Liman Isletmelerias
Through this document, the parties agree to make the commercially reasonable efforts to assess and agree on terms and conditions for the potential supply of fuel by PDVSA Petroleum or its affiliates to Global Liman or its affiliates, in order to meet the needs of the cruise ships and other vessels using the ports operated by Global Liman and its affiliates.
Global Liman is the largest operator of ports and cruises in the world, with an established presence in the Mediterranean regions and the Pacific Asia, and with major commercial port operations in Turkey and Montenegro; and plan to continue the expansion of its operations in the Caribbean region, a main market for cruises worldwide.
Complementary Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey and the People’s Ministry of Petroleum of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Through this document the parties agree to assess the feasibility of carrying out the following projects:
– Improvement of the existing port and transport systems of the Refinery Complex José “Antonio Anzoátegui” in exchange for the commercial value of petroleum coke stored at the refinery, improving the commercial terms of the projects currently underway.
– Re-supplying of fuel at market value, for flights of the Turkish Airlines fleet traveling to and from Venezuelan airports.
– Long-term Fuel supply for the aircraft fleet of Turkish Airlines, by PDVSA, subject to availability of inventory.
– Construction and operation of a facility or oil storage facilities within the borders of the Republic of Turkey, in order to meet the oil needs of the Mediterranean region of Turkey.
– Establishing a mechanism of exchange (barter) for supply on favorable terms of infrastructure, medicines, food and other needs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, by the Republic of Turkey.