20 tons of humanitarian assistance, including non-perishable food, water, blankets, sheets, tents and medicines, will depart on Wednesday to serve the population of southern Haiti, an area seriously affected by the devastation caused by hurricane Matthew.
From the Simón Bolívar International Airport, in Vargas state, the Minister for Interior, Justice and Peace, Nestor Reverol, announced that will be established a humanitarian bridge to assist the people of Haiti, a territory from where the Liberator Simon Bolivar departed 200 years ago, with the support of the Haitian people and its President, Alexandre Petion, to liberate Venezuela.
He announced that in the coming 48 hours will depart -from Venezuelan waters- two ships of the Bolivarian National Army with necessary inputs to meet the emergency generated by Matthew, which, -according to the provisional balance- has left five dead, 14,000 displaced persons and severe property damages.
Matthew, according to statements offered to the BBC by the mayor of Les Cayes, Jean Gabriel Fortuné, left almost all the buildings of the city without roofs, streets flooded and homes completely destroyed.
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