The Constituent Assembly is an unstoppable force

The Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, stressed that the National Constituent Assembly is an unstoppable force, and a show of this is the failure of the call for a «national civic strike» that made the opposition for this Wednesday.

He mentioned that the opposition did not had the people to make their «national civic strike» and they had to block up the streets to try to keep people from attending their jobs. In that sense, he indicated that the Bolivarian Revolution needs an opposition with a better leadership and political coherence.

He added that the opposition «is desperate» because the Constituent is on, and with it will be promoted the Commission of Truth and Justice, which will be in charge of taking the right measures and will sentence anyone who has incited and called to hatred, to take responsibility for their actions and for these not to go unpunished.

«Are they worried about the country? No, they are worried about what will happen to each one of them», he emphasized.